ini adalah gara2 ketahian yg bertimbun.
yup, saya menggali tahi yg byk di Turkmenistan ini.
ianya dtg bertimpa2!
1) bridge plug lifted-up
- tgh2 rih flex run tibe2 held-up. mule2 ingat barite settle, tp bile wash-down & drill-out xbuleh. last2 dpt tau bridge plug lifted-up 100 m. mase kat kinabalu hari tu pn bridge plug lifted-up, tp 5 m je. kesimpulan nyer, hp well ader tendency bridge plug lifted-up.
2) cement plug xkeras
- try set cement plug tp cement plug x kering2. xsilap aku, pcsb nyer polisi kene ader 2 barrier. so patutnyer cement open hole b4 proceed ngan testing & set jugak bridge plug utk secure the well.
3) well mati time initial flow
- ini adalah disbbkn kesengal tukang jaga choke manifold. aku dh ckp suruh bukak slow2 tp dia xmo dgr. aper yg aku buat? kecikkn blk bukaan choke & alhamdulillah ianya berhasil.
4) well mati sekali lg time main flow
- silap aku sbb confident yg semua akan ok. lepas 1 jam main flow aku g tdo (sbb dh xtdo lebih dr sehari), then tibe2 org dtg kejut & ckp well nk mati. bgn tdo terus call KL & ckp well nk mati sekali lg. patutnyer aku evaluate situasi tu betul2 dulu br call KL. sbnrnyer ianya adalah slugging, damit!
5) tester valve xleh nk tutup
- biler dh call KL, diorg suruh run wireline & sro sbb diorg suspect something fishy (plugging or sand production). so kene tutup tester valve tp xleh nk tutup la pulaks. last2 tutup je well kat choke manifold.
6) wireline held-up
- wireline held-up time run sro & ccl. so, open well at small choke & rih wireline slowly sampai bottom. kat surface later on, nampak pepejal2 waxy melekat kt tool. so, memasing conclude wax deposition kt downhole.
7) lost ccl signal
- berjaya rih gun sampai bottom tp biler nk position on depth, tibe2 je lost ccl signal. fuck! kene pooh & rerun blk gun tu. biler troubleshot, dpt tahu insulation swell sbb gas flow thru it. incident neh pernah terjadi kt aku, asal aku tk aware?
8) esd tripped
- xsampai 1 jam post add-on flow, tibe2 pulaks esd tripped. troubleshot & dpt tahu esd lost air supply dr rig. esd mmg selalu tripped, pernah terjadi mase test kt angsi-b & d-30.
9) annulus pressure drop
- kurang lebih time esd tripped, annulus pressure pn drop to 0 psi. troubleshot & suspect ader leak kt packer. rig xmo troubleshot packer leak & test supervisor keras kepala xmo tutup well. sepatut nyer kene buat aper eik kalu ader leak kt packer?
10) well mati buat kali yg ke-3
- whp drop slowly to 28 psi. awal2 tu aku ingat sludging mcm mlm sblm nyer. tp kali ni well betul2 mati. aku rase mati sbb mud masuk dlm string. biler ditanye aper kh solution, si pak cik tua ini suruh pooh or bwk ctu. aper kejadah nyer bwk ctu time2 mcm neh, bg la idea2 yg bernas sikit! patut nyer kalu well mati try displace string dgn lighter fluid.
11) slickline held-up & wire kink
- solution yg aku dpt pikirkn adalah rih slickline utk tgk same ade tester valve open or close. time rih slickline aku g tdo & tibe kene kejut sbb diorg ckp wire kink. peringatan kali kedua, jgn tdo pada waktu2 critical & evaluate problem betul2!
12) wireline held-up sekali lg
- apasal xde org bg tau aku yg slickline itu terkink sbb held-up? kalu x, sure2 aku suruh rih sekali lg dgn lib or gauge cutter. tau2 biler rih wireline, held-up kt depth yg same dgn slickline. nampak sungguh la x professional nyer.
13) tubing plugged by sand
- bile rih sand bailer dpt 1 jar of downhole sand sample & estimate tubing plugged by sand 2 km. awal2 dh aku pesan kt team amik downhole sample utk confirmkn wax atau sand, tp xde yg agree. lain kali biler ader stuck or held-up, rih je slickline & amik downhole sample!
14) xbuleh nk kill well
- sbb tubing plugged by sand, so xdpt nk reverse-circulate or bull-head utk kill well. last2, unseat packer & kill well thru annulus. pooh string dgn minyak, gas & sand dlm tubing. nampak la minyak & gas pancut2 atas rig floor.
15) gas alarm during reverse-out hole
- disebabkn xdpt kill well dgn betul, so mase reverse-circulate terdetect gas kt surface. then, kene la slowly condition hole.
there you go, senarai ketahian utk mggu lepas. disbbkn test #1 inconclusive, team decided utk buat test #2. so, tersangkut lh aku kt sini utk ketahiaan yg seterusnyer.
p/s: brace.. brace.. brace..
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